One hope is that the pandemic will not hold itself forever; it must pass. But before that, the 'Corona Effect' would have changed many aspects of our lives, varying from health care to social norms, leaving behind a deep economic scar that would take years to heal.
COVID-19 has already raised alarm bells by the fact that despite our scientific successes, we are profoundly unprepared to cope with the pandemic. As this coronavirus brought a storm of negative outcomes, a horrific death toll, and an economic meltdown into the world, it also revealed some valuable lessons in life.
Potential healthcare systems should be prepared to fight with pandemics once they breakout. We have almost full experience of coping with big killers such as heart disease, cancer, lifestyle disease, AIDS, etc., but not a virus. We also need to take a careful look at our health-care environment, especially the crucial care section. So, when a pandemic hits, there should be an action plan that can be put into effect in the shortest time period – one that can inflate our health systems by removing bottlenecks and establishing more vital care units and isolation centres without affecting non-pandemic vital care patients.
Unlike in the past, viruses are not only 'hyperactive' in the 21st century, but they also leave their devastation stories with 'viral speed.' This is due to globalization, this isn't new.
Social distancing is the third lesson in the future. When a new virus comes knocking, social distancing must be self-imposed to break the chain. Even in the absence of a virus, it is safer to observe social distance as a part of life. Intimacy may be good and may indicate the part of one's culture, but distance, without offending the other, is the best.
Whenever there are symptoms of a pandemic, Malaysia should be able to isolate the old people, patients with co-morbidity and children who are either underweight or undernourished.
There is no doubt that staying at home has been tough. A lot of people complain about feeling bored and purposeless. Some may even feel that it is a breach of their personal right to stay at home. But, when it comes to the greater good, one needs to be willing to sacrifice a little freedom. An ever-changing thing is to balance individual rights and public safety.
General hygiene has always been important. Not only when there's a virus. You should know the drill by now. Wet your hands together. Use some soap. Scrub for about 20 seconds. Rinse it off. Dry it with a clean towel. It's really the best way to maintain things safe because soap is a very efficient way to kill viruses.
Once the virus outbreak is over, it might be worth having a conversation with your boss about working from home if required. Most jobs have a certain amount of work which can be done remotely. Without the virus in place, a system that promotes work-life balance should still be in place.
Be careful about those messages from a friend or aunt or a relative. The latest example of rumours circulating amid fear about the coronavirus was messages through the internet claiming to have inside details. The World Health Organization(WHO) has warned of an "infodemic" and is attempting to expose myths and falsehoods concerning coronavirus on the Internet. Social networking outlets like Facebook and Twitter are working, but without success, to delete disinformation about the virus from their websites. Be aware of these rumours in the future, so that it will not be able to make any negative impacts on our society.
If this scary period has taught us anything, it's that the doctors and researchers are going to be the ones who save us from the trouble. They're the ones who work day and night to drive the healing of the world. Hundreds of scientists are currently struggling to find coronavirus treatment.
Being alone can be exhausting and lonely particularly for extroverts. Social distancing can be really hard but it will teach you a lot about yourself as well. You learn how to stay busy. Ultimately binge-watching three seasons of a series will no longer be enough and will have to try to do something else. Your body and mind are your home, and you need to learn how to love and live with it.
The pandemic has driven the world into a recession. But with the proper planning, you will be able to overcome its impact on your finances and set the stage for a far more positive tomorrow. The corona-virus pandemic is sparking the global financial crisis. If you had closely watched financial markets, you would have noted the uncertainty that they are witnessing. First and important, keep the cash handy and spend it wisely. Reduce your unnecessary leisure expenses and set aside the funds for emergencies. This practice will also help to sustain you in the long run.
The recent massive changes in the global economy caused by the Covid-19 pandemic need not be implemented. If you had been following the global markets carefully, you would have noted the uncertainty they are experiencing. While the international markets are all displaying bearish signs and dealing with the stress of coronavirus spread, there is hope for change. A rapid look at the current condition of the pandemic and the handling of the financial crisis in China shows that recovery is definitely possible. Just stay wide-awake and grab any opportunities you will get, start with a new plan.
Health insurance allows you financially secure. It will cover all costs incurred for medical tests, medical referral fees, pre-and post-hospital costs, ambulance charges, quarantine costs while you are seeking hospital care. This will be raising the financial burden in the case of medical emergencies.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic downturn adversely impacted many people's mental health and established additional obstacles for people already suffering from mental illness and drug use disorders. It is really important to take care of our mental and physical health after this pandemic also.
Physical distance will give you more chances to spend time together as a family. And by spending more time with family, you can develop bonds and make your kids feel happier, healthier, and more comfortable through this process. Even after this coronavirus will over, you still need to give time to your family and loved ones. Because they will eternally stay beside you and love you unconditionally.
The post-COVID19 economy will make so many jobs redundant. But it's going to create many new ones, too. It would make a massive demand for online training courses on how to use online portals to provide the best solutions to customers, whether these are religious or medical or educational services. COVID19 taught us the virtues of virtual space. Let's adopt them to reduce pollution and take charge against another pandemic. To know more about the changes post COVID 19, you can read our blog.