Tips to Not Over-Stock and Just Enough During the Self-Quarantine Period //

Self-quarantine! Short words which have great significance for the current situation.

We all know how tough our current scenarios are but we are still fighting. But hey! Don’t rush to take what you see in front of you! Stop panicking.

We are here to guide you through this article, what should you really buy for the quarantine period and share information on how to save your money. In this situation, storing upon at least 14 days of supplies would now be your best opportunity to make it safely through a quarantine.

Malaysians from city to city face the very serious possibility of having to spend two weeks holed up at home, with the coronavirus pandemic upon us. Which poses an immediate question: What supplies are you expected to have on hand to get you through the fortnight?

First and foremost, separating between panic shopping and getting prepared is important. Sure, in case of quarantine, you will have enough food and medicines (including medications) on hand to last for two weeks. It's just as important what you buy as how much you buy it. Although it's tempting to fill your freezer full of guilty pleasure treats such as spaghetti’s and marshmallow fluffs (and if those foods offer you a certain amount of emotional relief in an unpredictable situation, feel free to indulge wisely), try to concentrate on the basic health value in your purchases.

Here is what we think you should stock:


Stock up (but don't hoard) on these things.

1. Hygiene and Health

• Medication for 30 days, including over-the-counter pain relievers, cough and cold medicine, and nutrients.

• Feminine products (sanitary napkins, tampons, menstrual cups etc.)

• Essential items for Toilet use.

• Hand soap (no, you don't really need a hand sanitizer), body wash, shampoo, conditioner and skincare.

• Baby diapers, Wipes, formula milk, and other baby needs.

• Condoms too!

2. Cooking and Kitchen

There's no specific selection of food products, but certain food items work better than others. Even, you might want to check your kitchen toolkit, if you find yourself cooking more meals from scratch when locked inside.

• Larder:

Dried beans, rice and other cereals, such as oatmeal.

Canned fish, and stews and stew.

Any nut butters sauces and condiments.

Essentials such as oil, salt and spicy pepper.

Snacks, including dried fruit and nuts, which have a longer shelf life.

• Cold storage:

Meat and poultry (ideally sealed by vacuum), such as chicken, beef, and pork.

Fruit and vegetables.

Chocolates and cakes for your little munchkins!

• Other essential:

Food for pets (and treats!)

A water filter (or a replacement filter).

Rest assured that you have a reliable thermometer and other supplies for first aid.

Fourteen days of supplies for all members of your household, except pets, means two weeks of food and toiletries. Whereas a declared pandemic can sound frightening, hoarding goods is not the best strategy for staying safe. Panic-buying, food, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper does nothing except keeping the people around from having what they need, to keep themselves virus-free. Some of the items that you can invest in to plan for a possible 14-day quarantine are the same kinds of food, personal hygiene, and cleaning supplies that you might already have on your shopping list daily. But double-checking that you have stored all these things for at least two weeks is fine.


Here, we're coping with a highly infectious virus, not the end of civilization as we know it. As of now, there is no reason to think that a large-scale coronavirus outbreak will influence our water supply, the natural gas supply chain or the electrical grid. The water from your taps will continue running, the lights will stay on and you will still be able to cook in your kitchen like you always have.

Just save your money: you don't have to invest in huge quantities of

• bottled drinking water (except if you drink it regularly at home)

• a new propane burner for off-grid cooking,

• a gas or an electric generator to maintain your lights and fridge operating.

• pre-packaged, dehydrated meals or MREs (Meal, Ready to Eat) in military-style

• a pharmacy full of medications

You are not on a Military expedition camping trip. Your freezer, microwave oven and stove will still function while you're in quarantine. Also note, that this is a general amount, which may or may not require more than this number. The eating habits of everyone on each meal differs, so you can decide more efficiently how much you may need for that individual on a daily basis because this is the time to stand together, not against together and fight for toilet rolls for god’s sake.

Now that we have given you an idea for your shopping list, click here…