Discover the Power of Work-Life Balance, Join the 6th International Work Life Balance Forum!

It feels like it's been ages since we last caught up, doesn't it? Well, we're excited to break the silence with some fantastic news!

Prepare to mark your calendars and seize an extraordinary opportunity for growth, connection, and empowerment! The Persatuan Semarak Cinta Kasih (PSCK) and ADLA Group Sdn. Bhd. proudly announce the eagerly awaited 6th International Work-Life Balance Forum (IWLBF) happening on the 18th of May, 2024.

The Journey of Reconnection

After navigating through the challenges of the pandemic, it’s time to gather, not just virtually, but in person! This year’s forum promises an enriching experience where we can engage face-to-face, fostering meaningful connections and sparking inspiration.

Theme: Work-Life Balance - For Women Leaders in the VUCA World

In the ever-evolving landscape of the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world, finding equilibrium between professional pursuits and personal fulfillment is paramount, especially for women leaders. With this theme, the forum aims to delve deep into the strategies, insights, and tools necessary for navigating the complexities of modern life while maintaining a harmonious balance.

A Glimpse into the Engaging Topics:

The agenda for the day is brimming with captivating discussions and thought-provoking sessions:

  • Work-Life Balance in The Malaysia Madani Era: Exploring the dynamics of work-life balance in the contemporary Malaysian society.

  • Building A Future Community Challenges, Changes, Choices: Embracing the challenges of building a resilient and inclusive community for the future.

  • Women’s Sense of Self-Worth: Understanding the essence of self-worth and its profound impact on personal and professional spheres.

  • Self-Transformation: A Life Worth Living: Journeying towards self-discovery and transformation for a fulfilling life.

  • Finding Your Financial Fulfillment: Empowering women with financial literacy and strategies for financial independence.

  • Balancing Your Life with Community: Nurturing connections and finding balance within the community.

  • Women's Wellness in Life and Career: Prioritizing holistic wellness in both personal and professional endeavors.

  • Mind Over Matter: Mental Depression and Anxiety: Addressing mental health challenges and fostering resilience.

  • Moving Forward - Balancing Your Mind and Soul: Cultivating mindfulness and nurturing the soul amidst life’s demands.

  • Balancing the Rhythm of Life: Harnessing strategies to harmonize the diverse facets of life's rhythm.


A Special Highlight

Prepare to be inspired! We are delighted to announce the distinguished presence of Ms. Shikha Kedia Bharadwaj, esteemed author of “The Millennial Mom - Balancing the Messy Life of A Modern Women” and visionary CEO of BitQuest Digital Agency, as a prominent panelist at the 6th International Work-Life Balance Forum.

In a world that often seeks to confine women within narrow stereotypes and expectations, Ms. Shikha Kedia Bharadwaj stands as a shining example of what is possible when passion, purpose, and perseverance converge. Her presence at the 6th International Work-Life Balance Forum serves as a reminder that, indeed, the sky is the limit for women who dare to dream and defy convention.

Your Invitation

This is not just an event; it's an invitation to participate in a transformative journey towards holistic balance and empowerment. Limited spots are available, so seize this opportunity to join for an unforgettable experience!

RSVP Today:

To reserve your spot and participate in this empowering event, RSVP now by clicking the link below:

RSVP for IWLBF 2024

For any inquiries or assistance, feel free to reach out at or call 0179364323.

In Conclusion

Let’s come together, celebrate the spirit of womanhood, and equip ourselves with the tools to thrive in both our personal and professional realms. The 6th International Work-Life Balance Forum beckons, not merely as an event, but as a catalyst for transformation. Join in as attendees navigate the currents of the VUCA world, anchored by the unwavering resolve to attain balance in every facet of life.